Jun 29, 2007

Unshelved - the Public Library Comic Strip

Here's a very nice place to go on the internet if you're interested in changes and challenges taking place in libraries. Unshelved claims to be 'the world's only daily comic strip set in a public library'. It's makers are writer Gene Ambaum (yes, that's a pseudonym) and co-writer and the artist Bill Barnes. Much more information available at Primer page.

I particularly like the last few cartoons based on the theme of Internet v Library:

Monday, June 25, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Friday, June 29, 2007

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Looks like they are going to continue with these for some time, so if interested keep following this series.


Param said...

They do sound funny and cool. On a serious though, wonder what will it look like when the libraries are totally electronic and its hard to find a paper edition of anything and everything.
Will hands be able to hold those heavy books, when they are so used to keypads and mouses and may be voice in future....

monty said...

its like the Apple Vs Pc all over again.

Black Male Escorts Maple Grove said...

Interesting post, I enjoyed read this

Davenport Mistress said...

Thanks for this